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My research revolves around two themes: Digital Strategy, and Data Science and Analytics.


In "Digital Strategy," I explore the transformative impact of emerging technologies in traditional sectors, highlighting the integration of automation into business processes in multiple domains (accounting, education and finance). This reflects a broader shift towards digital transformation across conventional industries. Additionally, my recent work focuses on promoting ethical practices in AI usage within business environments, emphasizing the need for responsible technology deployment to ensure fair and equitable outcomes. This narrative underscores the critical role of digital ethics in shaping the future of industry practices.


My research in Data Science and Analytics primarily focuses on the practical applications and challenges of integrating these technologies into various sectors. For example, my work explores the deployment of data analytics in small to medium-sized enterprises, highlighting enablers and inhibitors that affect business performance and value. Other work investigate the effects of data analytics competencies on community engagement and sustainability awareness, as well as the strategic use of machine learning to enhance decision-making in financial platforms. Collectively, these studies provide valuable insights into how data science can be effectively utilized to optimize business processes, improve educational outcomes, and drive technological adoption, showing a critical intersection between analytical techniques and practical business applications.


Currently, I am engaged in a wide array of research topics centered on digital technologies. My investigations include the practical application of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives through technological frameworks and the broader impacts of digital transformation in various business sectors. I explored the multifaceted relationships between trust, ethics, and cultural dimensions in cryptocurrency usage. My work also encompasses advanced predictive modeling with machine learning, integration of blockchain technology in supply chains, and collaborative dynamics between humans and algorithms in decision-making processes. Additionally, I examine the evolving landscape of online lending and strategic digital advancements on online platforms. These projects vary in progress, with some being under review and others in preparation for journal submission.



Academic Journals (Q1 Journals: 16 publications; ABDC Rank A: 12 publications)



  1. Jutasompakorn, P., Perdana, A., and Yap, L.Y. (Forthcoming). Discerning the Key Drivers behind Cryptocurrency Transactions: Identifying the Configurational Factors. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems. (SJR: Q2; ABDC: B; AJG/ABS: 2; JIF: 2).

  2. Barikzai, S., Bharathi, S.V.K., Perdana, A. (2025). Digital Learning Initiatives Forging Inclusive Education in Post-Conflict Nations. Cogent Education. (SJR: Q2).

  3. Perdana, A. Jiow, H.J. (2024). Crypto-Cognitive Exploitation: Integrating Cognitive, Social, and Technological Perspectives on Cryptocurrency Fraud. Telematics and Informatics. (SJR: Q1)

  4. Barathi, S.V.K., Sheth, A., Perdana, A (2024). Examining Employee Perspectives to Embrace Voice Assistant Devices in the Workplace. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management. (SJR: Q1).

  5. Bharathi. S.V.K., Perdana, A., Vivekanand, T. S, Venkatesh V.G., Cheng, Y., & Shi, P.  (2024). From Ocean to Table: Examining the Potential of Blockchain for Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Seafood Supply Chains. Production, Planning, and Control. (ABDC: A; SJR: Q1; AJG/ABS: 3).

  6. Barikzai, S., Bharathi, S.V.K., & Perdana, A. (2024). Challenges and Strategies in E-Learning Adoption in Emerging Economies: A Scoping Review. Cogent Education, 11(1), 2400415(SJR: Q2).

  7. Perdana, A., Lee, W.E., & Chu, M.K. (2023). Prototyping and Implementing Robotic Process Automation in Accounting Firms: Benefits, Challenges and Opportunities to Audit Automation. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol 51, 100641. (ABDC: A; SJR: Q1; AJG/ABS: 2).

  8. Perdana, A., Jutasompakorn, P., Chung, S. (2023). Shaping Crowdlending Investors’ Trust: Technology, Social and Economic Exchanges Perspectives. Electronic Markets, 33, Article 25(ABDC: A; SJR: Q1; AJG/ABS: 2).

  9. Perdana, A. & Chu, M.K. (2023). Assessing Students’ Learning during Pandemic: Responses
    to Crisis Period at Singapore’s Higher Education Institutions
    . Accounting Education. 
    (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A,
    AJG/ABS: 2).

  10. Bharathi, S.V.K., Kulkarni, M.S., & Perdana, A. (2023). The Synergy Between Financial Technologies and Financial Inclusion: What We Know and Where We Should Be Heading? Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(1), Article 4. (SJR: Q2; ABDC: B; AJG/ABS: 2; JIF: 2).

  11. Lee, W.E., & Perdana, A. (2023). Effects of Experiential Service Learning in Improving Community Engagement Perception, Sustainability Awareness, and Data Analytics Competency. Journal of Accounting Education, 62, 100830. (SJR: Q1; ABDC: B, AJG/ABS: 2).

  12. Liew, A., O'Leary, D., Perdana, A., & Wang, T. (2022). Digital Transformation in Accounting and Auditing: 2021 International Conference of the Journal of Information Systems Panel Discussion. Journal of Information Systems, 36(3), 177-190. (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A; AJG/ABS: 1).

  13. Perdana, A., Lee, H-H., Arisandi, D., & Koh, S-K. (2022). Accelerating Data Analytics Adoption in Small and Mid-size Enterprises: A Singapore Context. Technology in Society, 69, 101966. (SJR: Q1, ABDC: B).

  14. Perdana, A., Lee, H-H., Koh,S-K., & Arisandi, D. (2022). Data Analytics in Small and Mid-size Enterprises: Enablers and Inhibitors for Business Value and Firm PerformanceInternational Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 44, 100547. (ABDC: A; SJR: Q1; AJG/ABS: 2).

  15. Perdana, A., & Mokhtar, I.A. (2022). Seniors’ Adoption of Digital Devices and Virtual Event Platforms in Singapore during Covid-19. Technology in Society. 68, 101817. (SJR: Q1, ABDC: B).

  16. Perdana, A., Lee, H-H., & Jutasompakorn, P. (2021). Crowdlending in Asia: Lessons from its Chequered History. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 13(4), 97-130. (SJR: Q2; ABDC: B; AJG/ABS: 2; JIF: 2).

  17. Perdana, A., Lee, W.E., & Robb, A. (2021). From Enfant Terrible to Problem-Solver? Tracing the Competing Discourse to Explain Blockchain-Related Technologies’ Diffusion. Telematics and Informatics, 63, 101662. (SJR: Q1)

  18. Perdana, A., Robb, A., Balachandran, V., & Rohde, F. (2021). Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): Its Evolutionary Path and the Road Ahead. Information & Management, 58, 103316. (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A*; AJG/ABS: 3).

  19. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2019). Interactive Data and Information Visualization: Unpacking its Characteristics and Influencing Aspects on Decision-making. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 11(4), 1-30. (SJR: Q2; ABDC: B; AJG/ABS: 2; JIF: 2).

  20. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2019). Textual and Contextual Analysis of Professionals’ Discourses on XBRL Data and Information Quality. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 27(3), 492-511. (SJR: Q2; ABDC: B; AJG/ABS: 2).

  21. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2019). Interactive Data Visualization for Accounting Information: A Three-Fit Perspective. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(1), 85-100. (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A; AJG/ABS: 2).

  22. Perdana, A., Robb, A., Rohde, F., & Birt, J. (2018). Standard Business Reporting Adoption in Australia – Critically Acclaimed, Box Office Flops: Constructivist and Ecological Rationalities in Information Systems Adoption. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. (SJR: Q2; ABDC: A; AJG/ABS: 1).

  23. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2018). Does Visualization Matter? The Role of Interactive Data Visualization to Make Sense of Information. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 22. (SJR: Q2; ABDC: A; AJG/ABS: 1).

  24. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2015). XBRL Diffusion in Social Media: Discourses and Community Learning. Journal of Information Systems, 29(2): 71-106. (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A; AJG/ABS: 1).

  25. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2015). An Integrative Review and Synthesis of XBRL Research in Academic Journals. Journal of Information Systems, 29(1): 115-153. (SJR: Q1; ABDC: A; AJG/ABS: 1).

  26. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F (2014). Experimental Research and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) in Information Systems Research - A Meta Review. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 16 (3): 247 - 270. (SJR: Q3; ABDC: C; AJG/ABS: 1).

  27. Perdana, A., & Achjari, D. (2014). Informational Cascades, Types of Technology and Perceptual Factors in E-Commerce Adoption Decision Making. Alliance Journal of Business Research, 7(1): 2-12.


Business/Teaching Cases Publications


  1. Perdana, A., Aminanto, M.E., Anggorojati, B. (Forthcoming). Hack, Heist, and Havoc: The Lazarus Group’s Triple Threat to Global Cybersecurity. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases(SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  2. Surbakti, F.P.S., Perdana, A., Indulska, M., Liono, J., Arief, I.B. (Forthcoming). From Data to Decisions: Leveraging AI to Enhance Online Travel Agency OperationsJournal of Information Technology Teaching Cases(SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  3. Januarita, R. Alamsyah, I.F., & Perdana, A., (Forthcoming). Guardians of Data: TruMe Life’s Continuous Quest for Data Protection. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases(SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  4. Loh, C.M., Perdana, A., & Lee, K.H. (Forthcoming). From Hot Pot to High Tech: Haidilao’s Transformation through Digital Technologies for Sustainable Business in the Restaurant Industry. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases. (SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  5. Perdana, A., & Bharathi, S.V.K. (Forthcoming). ByteDance's Global Rise: An Exemplar of Strategic Adaptability and Digital Innovation in a Global Context. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases(SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  6. Perdana, A., Jutasompakorn, P., Carrol, C., & Lim, J. (Forthcoming). The Human Touch In A Digital Era: Culture, Technology and Capabilities At Precursor Assurance. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases(SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  7. Perdana, A., & Mokhtar, I.A. (2023). Leveraging Digital Technologies for IT-Enabled Healthcare
    Transformation at SingHealth
    Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 13(1), 97–103.
    (SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  8. Jutasompakorn, P., Perdana, A., & Balachandran, V. (2023). Enhancing Decision Making with Machine Learning: The case of Aurora Crowdlending Platform. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 13(1), 58–66. (SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  9. Perdana, A. & Wang, T. (2023). Harnessing Data and Embracing Digital Strategy at Zalora. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 20(1),111–123. (ABDC: B; SJR: Q2).

  10. Perdana, A., & Arisandi, D. (2022). Automation at Truveil: Business Process Understanding and Analysis in RPA Implementation. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 19(2), 141-154. (ABDC: B; SJR: Q2).

  11. Perdana, A., & Tan, A. (2022). Performing Business Risk Assessment with Real-World Dataset and Data Visualisation. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 12(1), 96-101. (SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  12. Lim, C.Y, Perdana, A., & Wong, S.R. (2021). Pursuing Effectiveness and Efficiency: Data Model for Workforce Scheduling at Alvarino. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 11(1), 14-19. (SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  13. Perdana, A., Gaffoor. J., & Lee, H.H. (2020). Getting Data Analytics on Board at the Cage. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 10 (1), 29-34. (SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

  14. Wee, T., Perdana, A., Remy, D. (2019). Data Analytics Dilemma at Alpen Hotel. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 9(2), 58-63. (SJR: Q2: AJG/ABS: 1).

Practitioner Journals


  1. Li, P. Morita-Jaeger, Ruiz, J.M., Perdana, A., Arifin, S. (2024). The UK’s data governance regime and the (challenging) data partnership with IndonesiaCITP Briefing Paper 15​, July 29, 2024.

  2. Perdana, A., & Lee, W.E. (2022). AI and Digital Discrimination. Strategic Finance, December

  3. Jutasompakorn, P., & Perdana, A. (2021). Crowdlending and Credit Models. Asia-Pacific Research Exchange, June 2021.

  4. Perdana, A., & Yong, K. (2021). Intelligent Automation. ISCA Journal, May, 39-41.

  5. Koh, S-K., Perdana, A., Arisandi, D., & Lee, H.H. (2020). Data Analytics Adoption Among Singapore SMEs. ISCA Journal, November, 18-22.

Books & Book Chapter


  1. Surbakti, F.P.S. & Perdana, A. (2025). Peluang dan Tantangan Penggunaan No-Code AI. in Lukas et al. Menyelami Dunia Kecerdasan Artifisial: Eksplorasi Berbagai Perspektif. Atma Jaya Press.

  2. Perdana, A., & Wang, T. Editors. (2024). Digital Transformation in Accounting and Auditing
    Navigating Technological Advances for the Future
    . Palgrave MacMillan.

  3. Perdana, A., & Tan, S. (2024)  Harnessing Technologies and Data to Accelerate and Operationalize Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Initiatives. In Digital Transformation in Accounting and AuditingNavigating Technological Advances for the Future, Arif Perdana, Tawei (David) Wang, Palgrave MacMillan.

  4. Perdana, A., Wang, D & Arifin, S. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Ethical Challenges and Legal Perspectives. In Digital Transformation in Accounting and AuditingNavigating Technological Advances for the Future, Arif Perdana, Tawei (David) Wang, Palgrave MacMillan.

  5. Koh, S.K., Lee, H.H., & Perdana, A. (2023). Data Analytics in an Undergraduate Accountancy Programme: The Spaced Retrieval Method. In Handbook of Big Data and Analytics in Accounting and Auditing, Tarek Rana, Alan Lowe and Jan Svanberg (Eds). Springer.

  6. Perdana, A. (2021). Automasi Proses Robotik: Konsep dan Aplikasi di Akuntansi. Google Play Book.

  7. Perdana, A. (2020). Data Analytics: Keterampilan Teknis Akuntan dan Auditor di Era Digital. Malang, Indonesia: Madza Media.



  1. Perdana, A. (2024). Menyelamatkan Akal Sehat di Era Digital. Kompas.

  2. Perdana, A. (2024). Perlu Pendekatan Baru Untuk Menilai Karya Pelajar di Era AI. Kumparan

  3. Perdana, A. (2024). Menyusuri Labirin Kecurangan dengan Pelita Kecerdasan Artifisial. Kumparan.

  4. Perdana, A. (2024). Pelajaran dari Kasus Google untuk Masa Depan AI. Kumparan

  5. Perdana, A. (2024). Menyibak Potensi dan Tantangan AI dalam Relasi Manusia. Kumparan

  6. Perdana, A. (2024). Dinamika dan Tantangan Pelindungan Data di Era AI. Kumparan.

  7. Perdana, A., Anggorojati, B., Aminanto, M.E. (2024). Tiga pilar utama membangun arsitektur keamanan digital yang tangguhThe Conversation Indonesia.

  8. Perdana, A., Anggorojati, B., Aminanto, M.E. (2024). Serangan siber mengintai: peta ancaman yang harus diwaspadai. The Conversation Indonesia.

  9. Perdana, A. (2024). Orkestra Manusia di Simfoni Pertahanan Digital. Kumparan.

  10. Perdana, A. (2024). Dua Sisi EU AI Act: 10 Hal Yang Bisa Dipelajari Indonesia. The Conversation Indonesia.

  11. Perdana, A. (2024). Memetakan Regulasi AI di Indonesia.

  12. Perdana, A. (2024). Agar Aturan Pelindungan Data Pribadi Efektif. Koran Tempo.

  13. Perdana, A. (2024). Pentingnya tata kelola data kesehatan di era AI: Indonesia harus segera bangun layanan kesehatan terintegrasiThe Conversation Indonesia.

  14. Perdana, A. (2024). Indonesia must take a bold step on regulation to shape the future of AI. The Jakarta Post.

  15. Perdana, A. (2024). Bagaimana mencegah kekerasan verbal di ruang digital. The Conversation Indonesia.

  16. Perdana, A. (2024). How You Can Influence Who Controls AI. Tatler

  17. Perdana, A. (2024). How Consumers Can Influence Who Controls AI. Tempo English.

  18. Perdana, A. (2024). How Consumers Can Influence Who Controls AI. 360info.

  19. Perdana, A. (2024). Merangkai Kepingan Demokrasi di Kanvas Digital. The Times Indonesia.

  20. Perdana, A. (2024). Strategi Peningkatan Keamanan Siber. Koran Tempo.

  21. Perdana, A. (2024). Pembelajaran Kasus Crowdstrike. Kompas.

  22. Perdana, A. (2024). Belajar dari 2 gelembung teknologi: apakah pamor AI akan pecah lalu pudar?. The Conversation Indonesia.

  23. Anggorojati, B., Perdana, A., & Wijaya, D. (2024). FraudGPT and other malicious AIs are the new frontier of online threats. What can we do?. The Conversation Australia.

  24. Perdana, A. (2024). The massive IT outage and digital resilience. The Jakarta Post.

  25. Perdana, A. Aminanto, M.E., Idris, I. (2024). Strategies for effective cybersecurity resilience. The Jakarta Post.

  26. Perdana, A. (2024). Kerentanan virtual: bagaimana mengatasi ancaman AI terkait pelecehan seksual anak?. The Conversation Indonesia.

  27. Perdana, A. (2024). Reformasi Kenaikan Jabatan Profesor. Koran Tempo.

  28. Perdana, A. (2024). Proses kenaikan jabatan profesor di Indonesia tak lagi relevan dengan tuntutan globalThe Conversation Indonesia.

  29. Perdana, A. (2024). Technology: The Talking Dead. Dawn

  30. Perdana, A. (2024). An eerie ‘digital afterlife’ is no longer science fiction. So how do we navigate the risks?The Conversation Australia.

  31. Perdana, A. (2024). 6 cara mengidentifikasi kredibilitas jurnal ilmiahThe Conversation Indonesia.

  32. Perdana, A. (2024). Riset ‘crowdlending’: bagaimana meningkatkan kepercayaan investor di tengah sentimen negatif pinjol?​The Conversation Indonesia.

  33. Perdana, A. (2024). Tantangan digital semakin memerlukan ‘lifelong learning’: ini alasannyaThe Conversation Indonesia.

  34. Perdana, A. (2024). Peretasan akun ‘X’ OJK AS: apa yang bisa dipelajari institusi keuangan IndonesiaThe Conversation Indonesia.

  35. Perdana, A., (2024). Bukan teknologi semata: akankah Pusat Data Nasional menjadi solusi aksesibilitas dan jaminan keamanan data?. The Conversation Indonesia.

  36. Perdana, A. (2024). Cara Mengenali Deepfake. Koran Tempo

  37. Perdana, A. (2024). 'Deepfake’ begitu banyak di internet: bagaimana strategi bedakan fakta dari fiksi ciptaan AI. The Conversation Indonesia.

  38. Perdana, A. (2023). Bagaimana undang-undang sektor keuangan yang baru memperkuat lanskap keuangan digital. The Conversation Indonesia.

  39. Perdana, A. & Arifin, S. (2023). Data Breach: Finding a Fix for Indonesia's Data Protection Problems. Koran Tempo.

  40. Perdana, A. & Arifin, S. (2023). Finding a Fix for Indonesia’s Data Protection Problems. The Diplomat.

  41. Perdana, A. & Arifin, S. (2023). Finding a Fix for Indonesia’s Data Protection Problems.

  42. Perdana, A. (2023). AI dalam kampanye Pemilu 2024: akankah memperparah penyebaran hoaks?. The Conversation Indonesia.

  43. Perdana, A. (2023). Ancaman AI Generatif bagi Lingkungan. Koran Tempo.

  44. Perdana, A. (2023). AI generatif membahayakan lingkungan: bagaimana cara mengatasinya?. The Conversation Indonesia.

  45. Perdana, A. (2023). Teknologi dan resistensi: kisah anti-mobil hingga AI. The Conversation Indonesia.

  46. Perdana, A. (2023). Bahaya AI di Kampanye Pemilu 2024. Koran Tempo.

  47. Perdana, A. (2023). AI dan disinformasi: bagaimana kecerdasan buatan dapat memperparah penyebaran hoaks jelang Pemilu 2024. The Conversation Indonesia.

  48. Perdana, A. (2023). Apakah teknologi AI netral atau sarat nilai? Jawabannya akan memengaruhi arah kebijakan AI. The Conversation Indonesia.

  49. Perdana, A. (2023). Going back to the future for AI regulation.

  50. Perdana, A. (2023). ‘Fintech’ tak hanya pinjol: Mengenal teknologi finansial dan potensi risikonya di Indonesia. The Conversation Indonesia.

  51. Perdana, A., & Wijaya, D. (2023). Mengapa menghentikan penelitian dan eksperimen terkait teknologi ChatGPT bukan solusi jitu? The Conversation Indonesia.

  52. Perdana, A. (2021). Kecerobohan Manusia dalam Kebocoran Data. Katadata Indonesia.

  53. Perdana, A. (2021). Dalam kebocoran big data mengapa faktor manusia kerap terlupakan. The Conversation Indonesia.

  54. Perdana, A. (2017). Remitansi dan Layanan Keuangan Digital. Tirto, Indonesia.

  55. Perdana, A. (2015). Fase Baru Sistem Informasi Emiten. Bisnis Indonesia, Indonesia.

Podcast/Youtube Video


  1. Cek Fakta Debat Capres Prabowo, Anies Baswedan dan Ganjar Pranowo. (2024). The Conversation Indonesia.

  2. Perdana, A. (2024). 'Deepfake’ begitu banyak di internet: bagaimana strategi bedakan fakta dari fiksi ciptaan AI. The Conversation Indonesia.

  3. Syarif, M., & Perdana, A. (2023). AI dalam kampanye Pemilu 2024: akankah memperparah penyebaran hoaks?. The Conversation Indonesia.

  4. Syarif, M., & Perdana, A. (2023). BSI terkena serangan siber: pentingnya tata kelola data yang baik bagi perusahaan. The Conversation Indonesia.

Peer-reviewed Conferences/Workshops


  1. Tan, J., & Perdana, A. (2024). Using Alteryx to Decode General Ledger For Forensic Accounting Analysis. American Accounting Association (AAA) Intensive Data Analytics Summer Workshop IV, Orlando, Florida, United States of America.

  2. Lee, W.E., Perdana. A. (2023). Effects of Experiential Service Learning on Community Engagement Perception, Sustainability Awareness, and Data Analytics Competency. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2023 -Poster Session. Denver, Colorado, USA.

  3. Perdana, A., Lee, W.E., & Quadrianto, N. (2023). Promoting Ethical and Responsible AI Practices in Accounting. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2023 -Poster Session. Denver, Colorado, USA.

  4. Jutasompakorn, P., Perdana, A., Chung, S. (2022). Trust in Crowdlending: Do Lenders Value Profit, Safety or Platform Quality? International Symposium on Accounting Information Systems, Melbourne, Australia.

  5. Lee, W. E., Perdana, A., & Robb, A. (2019). From Enfant Terrible to Problem-Solver? Tracing the Competing Discourse to Explain Blockchain-Related Technologies’ Diffusion. In 11th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, Munich, Germany.

  6. Perdana, A., Koh, S.K., & Lee, H.H. (2019). Equipping Accountancy Students with Data Analytics Competencies. Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA), American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, United States of America.

  7. Perdana, A., Jutasompakorn, P., & Tan, J. (2019). Embedding Machine Learning Topics into Focus Areas Modules for Accountancy Students. American Accounting Association (AAA) Intensive Data Analytics Summer Workshop II, Orlando, Florida, United States of America.

  8. Perdana, A., Koh, S.K. (2019). Equipping Graduate Accountancy Students with Data Analytics Competencies an Integrated Approach. The Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Tokyo, Japan.

  9. Perdana, A., Gaffoor. J., & Lee, H.H. (2018). Getting Data Analytics on Board: Data Analytics Challenges in a Sports Facilities Rental Company. RMIT Accounting Educators Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

  10. Perdana, A., Lim, C.Y., & Wong, S.R. (2018). Visualizing a Scheduling System and Its Data Requirements in an Accountancy and Business Advisory Firm. RMIT Accounting Educators Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

  11. Perdana, A., & Tan, J. (2018) Teaching Visual Analytics in the Accountancy Programme: Contextualizing the Real-world Dataset. American Accounting Association (AAA) Intensive Data Analytics Summer Workshop I, Orlando, Florida, United States of America.

  12. Trieu, V-H., Cockroft, S., & Perdana, A. (2018). Decision-making Performance in Big Data Era: The Role of Actual Business Intelligence System Use and Affecting External Constraints - Research in Progress. European Conference in Information Systems, Portsmouth, United Kingdom.

  13. Perdana, A., Robb, A., Balachandran, V., & Rohde, F. (2017). Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): Its Evolutionary Path and the Road Ahead. In 9th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, Seoul, South Korea.

  14. Robb, A., Perdana, A., Rohde, F., & Birt, J. (2016). Constructivist and Ecological Rationalities in IS Adoption. In 8th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland.

  15. Perdana, A., Robb, A., Rohde, F., & Birt, J. (2016). Blockchain, Forensic Accounting, and Research Opportunities. In 4th Forensic Accounting Teaching and Research Symposium, Gold Coast, Australia.

  16. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2014). A Model of Judgment and Decision Making with Interactive Data Visualization.  In 6th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand.

  17. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F.H. (2013) Identifying XBRL’s Data Information Quality Dimensions Using Text Mining and Topic Analysis. In 29th- World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium, November 21-22, 2013, Brisbane, Australia.

  18. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2013). Non-Professional Investors: Impact of XBRL on Perceptions and Performance – Research in Progress. In 5th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, Milan, Italy.

  19. Perdana, A. (2013). The Impact of Data Information Quality of XBRL-based Financial Statements on Nonprofessional Investors’ Decision Making. In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems- Doctoral Consortium, Jeju Island, South Korea.

  20. Perdana, A. (2011). EXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL): Implication on Financial Reporting Paradigm and Supply Chain, A-14 - A-20. In Proceedings of the National Seminar on Application of Information Technology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

  21. Perdana, A., & Achjari, D. (2011). Informational Cascades, Type of Technology and Adoption of E-Commerce: An Experimental Study. In the 2nd International Research Symposium in Service Management, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Non Peer-reviewed Conferences


  1. Wijesooriya, C., Rohde, F., Heales, J., Perdana, A., & Clutterbuck, P. (2018). Organizational Learning Systems for Sustainability. In Applied Learning: Perspectives, Pedagogy and Practice, Singapore.

  2. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F. (2016). Current XBRL State and Future Research Agenda. Data Amplified: The Future of Business Reporting, Singapore.

  3. Perdana, A., Robb, A., & Rohde, F (2015). Decision Making with Interactive Data and Information Visualization: A Conceptual Model. In Business Information Systems Cluster Conference, UQ Business School. Brisbane, Australia.

  4. Perdana, A. (2014) Interactive Data Visualizations: An Experimental Study of Nonprofessional Investors' Perceptions and Decision Outcomes. In 2014 UQBS Research Students' Colloquium. Brisbane, Australia.

Manuscripts Under Reviews


  1. Kulkarni, M.S., Bharathi, S.V.K., & Perdana, A, Kannan, A.K. Stock Price Prediction with Time Series Analysis, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques. Revised and Resubmit.

  2. Lee, W.E., & Perdana, A., Gao, P. Examining the ESG performance and Longevity Merits of Adopting Global Reporting Initiative. Revised and Resubmit.

  3. Perdana, A., Arifin, S., Quadrianto, N. Algorithmic Trust and Regulation: Governance, Ethics, and Social Impact Blueprint for Indonesia's Central Banking. Revised and Resubmit.

  4. Goh, C., Chu, M.K., Pan, G., Lee, W.E., Perdana, A. Adapting to the AI Age: Skills and Ethics for Future Accountants in a Generative AI World. Revised and Resubmit.

  5. Perdana, A., Lee, W.E., & Quadrianto, N. Automated Decision-Making Systems: How Accountants Can Contribute Toward Ethical and Responsible Practices.  Revised and Resubmit.

  6. Perdana, A. & Anwar. M. Social Capital, Ecological Rationality and Technological Considerations in Agricultural Digitalization Practices. Submitted to a journal.

  7. Perdana, A., Lee, W.E., Pan, G., Sun, S.P., & Lim, C.Y. Trust in Cryptocurrencies: Economic, Social, Technological and Knowledge Influence. Submitted to a journal.

  8. Perdana, A., Lee, W.E., Pan, G., Sun, S.P., & Lim, C.Y. Ethics, Cultural Dimension and Trust in Cryptocurrency Use: A configurational analysis. Submitted to a journal

  9. Perdana, A, & Gultom, S.E. From Clicks to Capital: Unveiling the Catalysts of Crowdlending Engagement. Submitted to a journal.

  10. Perdana, A., Wangge, G. & Waterson, J. Unlocking the Path from Privacy to Participation: Investigating Factors that Shape Individuals' Intentions in Health Data Sharing. Submitted to a journal.

  11. Perdana, A., Bharathi, S.V.K., Lee, W.E. Beyond the Algorithm from the Learner-Centric: Optimizing Human-Computer Interaction in Educational Settings. Submitted to a journal.

  12. Perdana, A. Karim, R., Wijaya, D., & Rong, J. Orchestrating Human and Algorithmic Systems in Finance: Sociotechnical and Governance Approaches. Submitted to a journal.

  13. Perdana, A. Digital Transformation in Government: Lessons from GovTech Singapore’s Strategy. Submitted to a journal.

  14. Chu, M.K, Yeap, L.H., Perdana, A., Lee, W.E. Advancing Auditor Proficiency with AI: The Dynamic Structuration and Expertise Development Framework. Submitted to a journal.

  15. Barikzai, S., Perdana, A. Bharathi, S.V.K., Overcoming Trifecta E-Learning Challenges to Create Opportunities in Afghanistan. Submitted to a journal.

Work in Progress


  1. Perdana, A., Gao, P., Li, B. The REACT Approach to Digital Transformation: A Cross-Sector Analysis of Resource and Capability Integration. In preparation for journal submission.

  2. Perdana, A. Barikzai, S., Bharathi, S.V.K.,  Digital Innovation at the Intersection of Humanitarian Aid and Financial Inclusion: HesabPay's Journey in Afghanistan. In preparation for journal submission.

  3. Christine, G.A.D., Perdana, A. Public Perspectives on Generative AI Copyright Issues: Unsupervised Topic Modeling on Social Media Conversations. In preparation for journal submission.

  4. Bharathi, V., Koshy, D.A., Perdana, A. Enablers and Inhibitors of Gig Work to enable Women Sustainable Employment. In preparation for journal submission.

  5. Gao, P., Lee, T.H., & Perdana, A. Beyond Tradition: A Comparative Analysis of Lotka-Volterra Framework and Machine Learning Models in Private Markets. In preparation for journal submission.

  6. Tan, J., & Perdana, A. Evaluating the Efficacy of Machine Learning in Predicting Corporate Bankruptcy. In preparation for journal submission.

  7. Gao, P., Perdana, A., & Li, B. Does Effort Translate to Efficiency? Enhancing Learning Outcomes through Digital Participation and Cognitive Strategies with Machine Learning Insights. In preparation for journal submission.

  8. Perdana, A. Predicting Loan Defaults: A Comparative Analysis of Dark Triad, Big Five Personality, and Impulsive Behaviour. In preparation for journal submission.

  9. Perdana, A. Unveiling the Features of Online Loan Applications: Meeting Borrower Needs in the Digital Age. In preparation for journal submission.

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